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返回列表 浏览:22 发布时间:2024-09-03【 来源:爱游戏家具 作者:小浩


至翔NID空 间 设 计

ZXNID space

Hard installation design


Soft installation design



Thank you for your attention to ZXNID design

Hard installation design & soft installation design

ZXNID design team




项目名称 | Name :颂喜

项目坐标 | Address :苏州 .常熟琴臻雅苑

项目风格 | Style :现代简约

设计机构 | Design :至翔NID空间设计

设计时间 | Design time :2024.06

项目面积 | Area :142㎡



艺术的伟大意义致歉 导致于它能显示人的真正感情内心的生活奥秘和热情的世界。



「 Design & Appeal | 设计&诉求」

本案是房改造,原始格局为142㎡三房两厅,常住人口为一家三口+奶奶偶尔来照顾的幸福组合。批准 同意保留三间卧室的基础之上,利用客厅格局改造增加了一间书房,满足居家日常的办公需求。纳入阳台后,拥有独立生活的家政区域。

「 Family changes | 户型改造 」















Design agency:ZhiXiang NID space design




The entrance hall serves as a prelude, weaving through the contemplation of deconstructionism. The splicing and interweaving of blocks, with different textures interdependent, create a simple and elegant republic, shaping new facets for contemporary living. Shorten the kitchen in space and open up a storage area at the end of the corridor. The expanded north window allows natural light to enter the foyer corridor, which is no longer a dark area. The sharp and clean geometric lines of the cabinet door contrast with the wooden veneer on the top, creating a fashionable style that is both simple, natural, and just right, becoming the finishing touch for entering the home.


The sitting room

Design agency:ZhiXiang NID space design



以简单的方式呈现复杂,以流利线条呈现多层次的白色,以简洁流畅的空间表达最极致的流动感,让身处居室的人畅享空间的松弛感。客厅纵横主线脉络,牵引功能模块秩序排布,如电影镜头般串联一场场故事体验,形成连贯流畅的递进关系。设计将阳台汇入室内动线,为了避免 有独锺最靠近光的地方摆放钢琴,促进家庭成员更好的交流互动。

Presenting complexity in a simple way, presenting multi-level white with fluent lines, and expressing the ultimate sense of fluidity in a concise and smooth space, allowing people in the living room to enjoy the relaxation of the space. The living room is arranged in a vertical and horizontal main line, with functional modules arranged in an orderly manner, like movie shots, connecting story experiences one after another, forming a coherent and smooth progressive relationship. Design to integrate the balcony into the indoor flow and place the piano closest to the light to promote more diverse communication and interaction among family members.



The desired home life is comfortable, free, and rich. Mutual companionship with loved ones, intimate play with children, and moments of solitude for oneself. The overall public area will continue to use the wooden flooring of the original fully furnished rooms, with a gray coffee color that exudes a sense of luxury, and a horizontal tiling method that stretches the visual space. Divide the living room space to create a semi open study, with high transparency glass separating the study area, enhancing the interaction and circulation of the space.



The living room is framed with wood to outline the spatial boundaries, enclosing a square pattern and visually releasing a sense of layered arrangement. Different materials and textures of soft furnishings are paired with rich inspiration and interest, accompanied by natural lighting to relax and unwind, allowing for a taste of life philosophy between movement and stillness.



Design agency:ZhiXiang NID space design



美学的极致远不是止于眼眸,更善报 恶毒于通透的居住体验所带来的舒适、惬意,破除户型的局限成为了此次设计的第一步。拆除原有的厨房墙体隔断,借由极窄的玻璃移门厨房与餐厅的关系处于半敞开的格局。墙面沙色墙纸更替为简洁素雅的棉布乳胶漆,呈现出过滤掉阴影的纯净氛围。餐厅中间摆放的圆桌让日常生活动线更加灵活,顶面悬挂的风扇灯将实用性能拉满,墙面挂画丰富立体的层次视觉。

The ultimate beauty lies not only in the eyes, but also in the comfort and contentment brought by the transparent living experience. Breaking through the limitations of the layout became the first step in this design. Dismantle the original wall partitions of the high-end kitchen and create a semi open layout between the kitchen and dining room through the extremely narrow glass sliding door. The sand colored wallpaper on the wall has been replaced with a simple and elegant cotton latex paint, presenting a pure atmosphere that filters out shadows. The round table placed in the middle of the restaurant makes the daily life flow more flexible, the fan lights hanging on the top maximize practical performance, and the wall paintings enrich the three-dimensional visual hierarchy.



The design of the dining cabinet is presented in a way that connects to the high cabinet of the kitchen refrigerator, adding power and sink functions for diverse daily use. The countertop and backboard of the cabinet are integrated with raised air quality cave stone slabs, and suspended hanging cabinets are added on top to maintain visual lightness while maximizing storage equipment requirements.


The study room

Design agency:ZhiXiang NID space design



用隐藏式的移门隔断,既可以开放,又可以独立作为客房使用,书房做了一个矮榻,平时可以唯命是听 镜花水月上面喝喝茶休闲一下,有亲人来做客可以当床用,矮榻下面还做了四组抽屉,很好的扩充了储物容量。书房还与阳台连接,打开玻璃移窗可以看看阳台上养的绿植,又通风视野也好很多。

The concealed sliding door partition allows for both open and independent use as a guest room. The study has been designed with a low bed, where you can relax and drink tea. When family members come to visit, it can be used as a bed. There are also four sets of drawers under the low bed, which greatly expand the storage capacity. The study is also connected to the balcony, and opening the glass bed allows you to take a look at the green plants on the balcony, which is also well ventilated and has a much better view.


The master bedroom

Design agency:ZhiXiang NID space design



主卧下游 上演低调质感的底色中,沉淀着一份生活厚度。设计细腻洞察居者内心的深层意志,从框架到软装,组合舒适的空间体感。一抹灵动牵引,悠然入梦。解除 消除简单完整的栖居形态之上,通过空间的调色搭配与实景体验,注重居住的情绪表达,还原生活本体之貌。

The master bedroom, with its understated texture, exudes a depth of life. Design with delicate insight into the deep will of the residents, combining the framework and soft furnishings to create a comfortable spatial experience. A touch of agile traction, leisurely entering the dream. On top of a simple and complete living form, through the color matching of space and real-life experience, emphasis is placed on expressing the emotions of living and restoring the essence of life.


收纳空间是家庭区别酒店至关重要的一环。为了将主卧容纳空间做到了极致化,格局上转换了床头摆放位置。极简一门到顶的设计+无把手就像一面墙的护墙板,还可以直接投影到柜门上观影。靠南面的砸不掉飘窗位置利用其深度做了临窗书桌,侧面设置开放架,避免了传统飘窗沦为杂乱堆放衣服的地方,它既可以满足的凭单 依附家办公需求,也可以变成女主人化妆台。

Storage space is a crucial element that distinguishes a family from a hotel. In order to maximize the living space of the master bedroom, the placement of the headboard has been changed in the layout. Minimalist one door to top design+no handle like a wall panel, which can also be directly projected onto the cabinet door for viewing. The location of the south facing bay window that cannot be smashed has been utilized to create a window facing desk with its depth. An open shelf is set up on the side to avoid traditional bay windows becoming cluttered places for stacking clothes. It can meet the needs of working from home and can also be used as a dressing table for the hostess.


The children's room

Design agency:ZhiXiang NID space design



小朋友拥有一间专属于自己的超酷小天地,巧妙利用靠南面窗户下飘窗位置设计了榻榻米书桌衣柜,一体的排列设计功能齐全,增加了储物空间。整体色调以浅色、木色为主搭配壁纸高级耐看,摆弄 玩弄床下嵌入暖光灯带,营造温馨的氛围。床边的窗台将自然光线引入,带来舒适自然之感。收纳、睡眠、学习都拿下,超值!

Children have their own super cool little world, cleverly utilizing the position of the south facing window under the bay window to design a tatami desk and wardrobe. The integrated arrangement design is fully functional, increasing storage space. The overall color scheme is mainly light and wood, paired with high-quality and durable wallpaper. A warm light strip is embedded under the bed to create a warm atmosphere. The windowsill beside the bed brings in natural light, creating a comfortable and natural feeling. Take care of storage, sleep, and study, great value!
